Composite Organ of Saint Anne

III/52+P Casavant – Dedicated to Saint Anne, the mother of the Virgin Mary – Based on the organ of the Basilica of Saint Anne de Beaupré


Grand OrguePositifRecitPedale
Montre 16Principal 8Bourdon 16Flute ouverte 16
Montre 8Mélodie 8Principal 8Bourdon 16
Principal étroit 8Dulciane 8Bourdon 8Gedeckt 16
Flute harmonique8Grosse flute 8Viole de gambe 8Flute 8
Gemshorn 8Viole d’orchestre 8Voix céleste 8Violoncello 8
Prestant 4Flute douce 4Flute traverse 4Bourdon 8
Flute bouchée 4Nasard 2 2/3Violon 4Plein-jeu
Doublette 2Octave 2Octavin 2Bombarde 16
Mixture IVFlageolot 2MixtureTrompette 8
FournitureFournitureCornet IVClairon 4
CymbaleCymbaleTrompette 8Contrebombarde 32
Trompette 8Clarinette 8Hautbois 8
Clairon 4Tuba 8
Cromorne 8


Casavant Demo (Sonus Paradisi), Brasov Demo (Sonus Paradisi), Caen (Sonus Paradisi)

Composite Information

This composite is based on the Casavant organ at Saint Anne de Beaupré Basilica in Quebec, Canada. The stoplist is primarily that of the original Casavant instrument (41), with minor additions from after the restoration of 1986, adding the complete stoplist to 50 (The bolded stops are the additions taken from the 1986 restoration). The composite is largely sampled from the Casavant demo, but there are also a little stops that use the Brasov Demo and Caen, which add to the basilica reverb and are similar to the eclectic nature of Casavant and the recent restoration and thus they blend in and suit the composite nicely. The short reverb of the Casavant is a downside though. All samples are with multi-release, and a custom console view has been created to enhance the organ and facilitate usage. There is a Extended version which combines the original and new organ, and an original version with the disposition of the 1945 version. The composite is available free of charge.

Basilica Information

The first organ was built by Casavant, as Opus 66, in 1896 and was installed in the first basilica. It was blessed by Bishop Louis-Nazaire Bégin on May 19, 1896. Revised in 1915, as Opus 606, it was badly damaged in the 1922 fire.

The actual organ, Casavant’s Opus 1793, was built in 1945. It is located in the rear gallery and its pipework is divided into two sections on either side of the large rose window. The Récit and Positif divisions are located on the south side and the Grand Orgue and Pédale divisions are on the north side. There is no organ case but just a screen in front of the pipeworks. Both L-shaped cases are identical. It was blessed on December 15, 1945 by Most Rev. Georges-Léon Pelletier, auxiliary bishop of Quebec City, and followed by the inaugural concert given by François-Xavier Nadeau, organist of the basilica.

The instrument remained unchanged until 1985 when the Redemptorists Fathers were briefed about the leather deterioration state. They commissionned Marcel Bertrand Organs Inc. to repair the organ. This firm has been, for years now, responsible for the organ maintenance.

Then came the idea about bringing a few modifications to the organ in order to achieve better performance from the instrument. Convinced that the basilica needed an adequate organ, the authorities and the organbuilder agreed to enlarge the instrument from 39 to 44 stops and to completely revise the tonal structure of the instrument. Eventhough it is a relatively small instrument for the large building and it is discreetely located, every effort was made in order to obtain rich and brilliant sonorities so that organists will have access to large range of colorful registrations. Besides the fact that almost all the pipeworks has been revoiced, some winchests had been moved, some were modified and even new ones have been built. All wind pressures have been lowered.

The organbuilders took care to reuse all the existing material while adapting it to the new tonal structure and adding new pipeworks only where it was necessary.

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1.02 – Cromorne tuned – will be out soon

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